Originally shared September 9, 2023
This week we are sharing an article about how to determine if proper delubrication under actual production has occurred in powdered metal parts titled Monitoring of the Delubrication Process Under Production Conditions. It was written by George White and TAT Technologies’ president Harb Nayar in 1996 (MPIF Archives # 1996-0133). Since thoroughly removing lubricant during sintering is one of the most common concerns in the PM industry, we encourage you to read the attached article which covers the following topics:
Why lubricant is necessary despite being a challenge later in production. (We often refer to lubricant as a necessary evil!)
The various negative consequences to parts, furnaces, and plant environment of improper delubrication during sintering.
An explanation of why a furnace’s preheat atmosphere under actual production conditions is the best place to start in determining how effective your delubrication is, and an extensive recounting of various tests conducted to prove this.
By the end of the article, you should have some good ideas about where to begin in analyzing your operation’s own delubrication. If you are having issues, this is a good place to start, so please click the button below to read the article in full:
A full PDF copy will be given by request if you contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Delubrication and everything related to the preheat portion of the sintering process is covered in the first of TAT Technologies’ training classes. If you are interested in hands-on powdered metal training, consider taking our courses! The next date they are scheduled to begin is October 24. Please use this link to visit the training section of our website and review the options on the sidebar. Please contact me for any questions and registration.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me and I’ll be happy to answer.